
Global Coalition for Radiotherapy invites #Miles4Radiotherapy teammates

This year’s #Miles4Radiotherapy summer challenge comes with an invite to the global radiotherapy community.

The Global Coalition for Radiotherapy is inviting worldwide participants to sign up for the summer challenge, which begins July 1st.

GCR Director of Communications, Darien Laird, is eager to join for a second year in a row and wants to encourage all global radiotherapy advocates to join.

“It is through the combined efforts of a community of professionals, politicians, advocates and patients that we can make a difference in the world of cancer care,” she says.
Darien is “proud to represent the global community from my little corner of Switzerland with my family of six!”
Registration is £20 and everyone signed up before June 9th will have the option to order an event vest for £7 plus post and packaging. 

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