Lancet Oncology publishes Vision commentary
Leading cancer experts writing in international cancer journal, The Lancet Oncology, have called for a new specific strategy for radiotherapy treatment to address the UK’s cancer crisis.
Last year saw some of the longest waits for cancer treatment that patients have ever known, and early 2024 NHSE statistics show 4 in 10 are still waiting too long.
This call for action is supported by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Radiotherapy and its Secretariat, Radiotherapy UK. Earlier this year, we coordinated the publication of a 10-year vision for radiotherapy, called World-class Radiotherapy in the UK: Right Patient, Right Treatment, Right Time.

Radiotherapy remains overlooked
Radiotherapy treatment, one of the three main cancer treatments, remains underused and underfunded compared to similar European countries, despite being recognised as extremely cost-effective and advanced.
The Lancet Oncology commentary piece, and associated APPG Vision, argue that the potential of radiotherapy is being overlooked in the UK due to the lack of a defined strategy for radiotherapy, and cancer care more widely, causing “serious challenges for radiotherapy services”.
This echoes an earlier report in the Lancet Oncology from November 2023, which calls for a dedicated National Cancer Control Plan outlined by world-leading cancer specialists including Professor Pat Price, leading oncologist and Chair of Radiotherapy UK. Leading cancer experts argue that in order for the UK to truly catch up with cancer, and ensure a world-leading cancer service, the Government must publish a dedicated cancer plan, with detail to radiotherapy treatment.

Dr Katie Wakeham, Clinical Oncologist, and lead author of the article, says:
“Radiotherapy cures cancer and is the most cost-effective cancer treatment, however a lack of long-term investment and strategic planning in the UK mean that only 24 – 27% of cancer patients actually received it, in comparison to the 50% of patients that could benefit from it. The radiotherapy community has come together to provide a clear and focused direction for decision makers to deliver world-class radiotherapy services that provides extra capacity and improves patient outcomes.”
Professor Pat Price, Oncologist and Chair of Radiotherapy UK, says:
“The current cancer crisis is the worst that I have seen in my career as an oncologist. It is a national tragedy that four in every ten patients are repeatedly waiting beyond crucial deadlines for lifesaving care, and even more saddening given that the solutions to this crisis readily exist. Without a new strategy for radiotherapy, that would provide the focus, direction, proper planning and resourcing we so desperately need to make the most of such a crucial treatment resource, I cannot see this country recovering from the depths of this crisis. I am pleased that the Lancet Oncology has echoed these calls and I hope to work closely with the UK Government and Secretary of State to ensure this is developed.”
Sarah Quinlan, Director of Radiotherapy UK and co-author of the article, says:
“It is a tragedy that radiotherapy remains such an underutilised resource when so many cancer patients in this country are needlessly waiting too long for lifesaving treatment. Being by far the most cost-effective, and the second most effective cancer cure, it is no surprise that countries worldwide are investing in this highly advanced technology. Implementing a new national radiotherapy strategy would enable the UK to finally meet international standards”