Patients & Families

VIDEO: Marcus, 58, shares his experience of radiotherapy for tonsil cancer

The following content contains images and descriptions of cancer treatment that some people may find upsetting or triggering. Please follow the guidance of your clinical team for information specific to your situation. Some medical terms may not translate accurately when using translation tools.

Content note: this video has descriptions of cancer diagnosis and treatment, and contains some mild swear words.


Marcus was 56 when he was diagnosed with stage 2 tonsil cancer. He had surgery and 30 sessions of radiotherapy and was left with side effects and late effects that have been difficult to come to terms with. 

Here he talks about his experience of diagnosis and treatment and shares what helped him to feel better.

Video timestamps

00:08:40 Treatment

00:23:43 The power of walks

00:26:30 Side effects and late effects

00:35:00 The importance of asking for lots of information

00:54.30 Finding people that understand/support groups

With thanks

Our huge thanks to Marcus for sharing his experiences with Radiotherapy UK.

To learn more about the support group Marcus went to, The Swallows, please click here.

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