
A word from Sarah #Miles4Radiotherapy

Sarah Quinlan MBE in front of 10 Downing street delivering a petition. She wears a fawn coat and a big pink scarf and had fair hair. Her expression is serious.

Sarah Quinlan MBE, director of Radiotherapy UK, explains why she’ll be lacing up her trainers for this year’s #Miles4Radiotherapy

“Imagine if we could bring together the radiotherapy community this summer, and clock up enough virtual miles to visit every centre in the UK.

“Radiotherapy treatment is needed in 40% of cancers that are cured, and yet is so very underfunded in the UK.

“The #Miles4Radiotherapy challenge is the perfect way for us to come together, speak up and speak out about this remarkable treatment, the dedicated and skilled workforce that deliver it, and the lives that can and must be saved by investing in it.”

Sarah Quinlan MBE in front of 10 Downing street delivering a petition. She wears a fawn coat and a big pink scarf and had fair hair. Her expression is serious.

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