Welcome to the 2023 Radiotherapy UK Workforce Flash Survey for radiotherapy professionals, supported by IPEM.
Here’s how you can be a voice for change:
- Fill in the survey
- Share with colleagues and networks
- Encourage your team to complete the survey
- Share on socials
The survey should take around 5-10 minutes to complete and the data gathered will support our advocacy and campaigning work.
The findings from our 2022 survey were launched on BBC Newsnight and covered by national newspapers, putting your voice at the centre of the debate. We are also currently co-ordinating a Vision for Radiotherapy in 2033 document, setting out a clear implementable plan to get us to a place where we are delivering world-leading outcomes for radiotherapy patients by 2033. We are keen to understand what you think needs to happen to achieve this.
The survey closes at midnight on Tuesday 12 September.
All responses are anonymous and we are not collecting any personal information, however if you would like to contact us with any comments please email us at info@radiotherapy.org.uk.
Thank you.